Mika Tikkala - Expert Business Coach and Headhunter

I’m the David who builds you a Goliath who everybody calls Tiki.

What do I do? I build teams and businesses. For me businesses are like stories and when I’m part of the story I won’t let the creator or the reader be disappointed.

Why am I any different? I have a passion to communication. As growing up I learnt how big of an impact bad communication can have to oneself and people around you so I made a promise to myself that it will always be one my core values in life. 

Since my early life I never saw other ways to build my legacy other than being an entrepreneur. I have never had a plan b. And building everything around communication has been my WHY in everything.

Something deeper? I have always been analytical and I have had the ability to look at different perspectives, challenge current situation, take all the aspects into consideration and formulate a straight forward plan and execute it. That skill has played a key role when building my clients businesses and personal careers. 

The living room? On the side of business coaching, consulting and recruiting I balance my busy scheduly with ice swimming and crosscountry skiing in the winter and gym, golf and basketball in the summer. 

Who I work with? If you are growth-driven entrepreneur, executive or director level person wanting to grow yourself, your business or your team I have the tools to help.

If you are commited -
I'm not going to let you fail

Here are testimonials what our clients
have said about us.


Sales capital

Sales Capital is a human-centered and data-driven sales perspective that is applicable to all companies. It combines the sales data and character analysis of the sales team members so you can lead your team more efficiently.


I have close to 1000 successful recruitment processes and over 150 clients that have trusted me and my team to build their teams and upgrade their business. All sales related positions ranging from team members to management and c-level.

Sales intelligence

Based on the results received at the analysis stage which are turned into a development plan for your salespeople, both at the team and individual level. You will see exactly which characteristics in each salesperson should be developed, and monitored.

Business coaching

If you’re grappling with a lack of clarity, feel overwhelmed, or aiming to enhance your leadership skills and personal performance, book a meeting with me. Let’s unravel complexities, chart a path to clarity, and focus on the strategies that will drive your success.

Business consulting

As a coach and consultant I help my clients plan and organize, increase creativity and strategic thinking troubleshoot and problem-solve day-to-day issues. Increase your operations, achieve goals, or implement new strategies.

Your situation might be..

Good and if you reflect your business deeper where do you want it to be? 


  • Sales people might not be hitting the set targets
  • Cultural constaints are preventing teams to perform at their best
  • Communication throughout the organization could be more efficient
  • Difficult to recruit or retain talents


  • You feel the business is too stagnant
  • Cost constraints lead to narrow profit margins
  • Unclear company vision and strategy
  • Operations are complex or could work more efficiently


  • You feel unfocused and overwhelmed
  • Too busy schedule so you are putting fire after after
  • Lack of support and understanding from your business partners
  • You don’t feel confident enough to make diffcult decision

These are some of the main situations that I have helped my clients to overcome. So either develop the current business or build teams through recruiting and headhunting new talents worldwide. 

Book a meeting with me and lets discuss how our methods can help you and your business elevate.